Blog: Wiki So Far

So far throughout the semester, I have not contributed to the Wiki, but that is because I am currently researching and following the changes to copyright laws that have since been passed in Europe. I would like to include this under the Youtube portion of the Wiki. The law that has passed recently in Europe is known as Article 13 and what Article 13 states that there will be more policing and copyright issue/strikes for youtube to protect original content which means properly licensing copyright materials or hold people accountable for illegal shared content. In the case of youtube where videos are often reuploaded or even snippet are used for entertainment, it changes the whole dynamic of copyright laws and its affecting new media. Youtube already has its own algorthim when it comes to stopping people from using copyright materials and issue strikes to prevent it from happening, but the idea of fair use can be made to help prevent big corporation and other youtubers from copystriking their content. Which brings up a bigger question, how will this affect the United States and how will this affect people who uses youtube as their source of income.


  1. This is a very interesting topic! I'd love to read more about it once it's in the Wiki! I've seen many youtubers complain about the changes in YouTube, copyright issues and account strikes. It definitely affects their income and it should be a discussed more. Many people seem to ignore it since it is only directly affecting Youtubers right now.

  2. I find this topic very interesting. I personally watch youtube a lot and there was a big scandal that happened regarding this topic where a big youtuber "copy-striked" another youtuber's video because they thought it was targeting them and stealing their content. A lot of bigger youtubers backed up this small youtuber by saying how they did not break any laws and how Article 13 allows them to use snippets of other people's videos.

  3. This is a very interesting topic. While I'm not familiar with this new law, I can see how this will affect many Youtubers. I'm looking forward to reading more about this!

  4. This topic is interesting, in many ways. While the U.S most likely won't be affected, YouTube and creators certainly will be. For one, many see this as essentially the end of YouTube presence in the European Union countries affected by this article. with over 300 hours of video uploaded every minute, its simply not feasible for YouTube to monitor and check every video before it gets uploaded. Sure, they may have the resources but would it be worth it? with stricter regulations on data collected and ads shown, the money may not be there anymore. If YouTube decides its not worth the effort, they will most certainly pull out. Creators in those areas will lose their jobs, their hobbies, their form of inspiration and entertainment. Not to mention that all users in those areas will now be blocked from seeing any YouTube content. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but with the ways things are playing out, the future doesn't look promising.


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